About sikka art fair

Sikka’s Brand Identity
The Sikka art fair is known for gathering artists,
young artists, designers, design students, mentors
and the public, to share the participants’ art
and design productions for the purpose of education
and inspiration. The participants are Emirati artists, UAE based artist, collectives, and initiatives. Sikka’s principles are to support, to create a Platformof Diversity, to expose and to enjoy. Sikka’s attributes are educational, creative, supportive, collaborative and energetic.
Its mission is to enrich the cultural scene by maintaining a sustainable cultural ecosystem,
while preserving the Emirati heritage and nurturing
talents to enhance cultural diversity and social cohesion.

When I visited the Sikka, I was amused while trying to figure out the map to the art fair. Walking through the fair was a journey of discovery.
Each alley was decorated with different
productions, but had similar configurations to the other alleys.